Friday, April 16, 2010

Our escape artist...

We are always trying to find new ways to keep Cole out of things he shouldn't be getting into. He has a special talent for making trouble and we are running out of solutions, he quickly masters any obstacle we put in his path. Hook locks on tops of inside doors- Mastered, Dead bolt on the top of the front door- Mastered, Items placed out of reach on the top shelves of closets- Mastered.

We've started locking our bed room door and then keeping a screw-driver in a high hook on the wall which we use to get into the room. This has been working pretty well, and so we've tried to keep things we don't want Cole to mess with in our room. Today, around 7:30 pm I lay down to try to get a couple hours sleep before working an all night shift. I hear lots of things being dragged and a lot of giggling, and then I hear a scratching at the locked bed room door. I ignore it and hope that Charles will get the kids in bed soon. Suddenly, my bed room door swings open and Cole bounds in with a huge pleased grin on his face. He has gotten the screw driver down
and picked the bed room lock. Eeek!

Luckily he hasn't figured out the combination lock on our patio gate, but that is pretty much our last defense.


Emmy said...

ha! just think of all the great stories you can tell one day. . .and today! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow Jess. He is a smart one! I know kind of how you feel--Parker is a resourceful two year old. Like you I just wish he would stop figuring out my schemes to keep him out of things. Next phase is fingerprint scanners then I guess eye scans. :)

Anonymous said...

update you blog or......

Emmy said...

or else. . .