Sunday, June 22, 2008


Okay, so I thought this was a fun tag. You are to take photos of the following places right now WITHOUT CLEANING UP first. It has been a really busy day, so my house is not tip-top right now. I don't generally keep a pristine house, but this is a bit worse than usual.

1. Dream vacation- Costa Rica. I just want to go there. From what I here it has a great pristine beauty. The motto of the country, I think, is something like la Vida Pura (the pure life), hopefully I'm remembering that right.

2. Self portrait- here's me in all my crooked smile glory.

3. What are your kids doing right now? It is way too late at night, so my kids are asleep. Luckily the flash did not wake them up. Yes, Cole is sleeping with a Xylophone and Juliet is sleeping in her diaper and a winter hat. They are kooky kids.

3. Your closet- nothing too exciting here folks. I do like to store my off-season clothes in those bags that let you suck out all the air.

4. Your favorite room- I think mine is probably my living room. It's looking pretty messy in this picture.

My favorite shoes- A beat up pair of Easy Spirit sandals. They are comfy without being too clunky.

My laundry room- It is in the unfinished portion of the basement, so it is surrounded by storage.

My second bathroom- Yep, pretty boring. I think I definitely need to put some more stuff up on the walls.

My kitchen sink- I have actually done the dishes. I usually wash the big pans by hand and put them in the left-hand side to dry.

My fridge- Outside, full of magnets and important papers that I usually realize are still up there 3 months after I needed them. Inside, I think there is only one fudge bar left in that whole gigantic box.

Okay, I tag anyone that will do this. Please do it, because it satisfies my voyeuristic need to know what is REALLY going on in other people's homes.


Emmy said...

I am so not brave enough to do this! really! I am such a pansy. I cleaned all day today and I am still a wimp!

Kathryn the Great said...

As you know, I don't have a blog (yet) but I recently did take a picture of one of the really scary parts of my house, my bedroom, I took the picture because my friend Anne didn't believe it could possibly be that bad when I told her how messy it was. So I showed her the picture and she had to admit it was pretty out of control. As far as places I'd like to visit, I'd really like to go to Australia (maybe because it is far away from my messy room!)

Kathryn the Great said...

I also liked Juliet wearing the winter hat to bed. She is definitely the hat girl! P.S. I just figured out how to put my picture on my comment. Yes, I am quite the computer genius.