Saturday, December 20, 2008

Go to Candy Mountain, Charley....

Recently, our ward (church congregation) had a big "Candyland Christmas" party. Different rooms in the church were set up to represent different places in the children's game Candyland. It was very cute and well done, and I didn't actually get any pictures of the actual party because I forgot to bring the camera that I had carefully laid out. Charles was in charge of painting and decorated the Candyland Castle, which some other men in the ward had cut out. He did a great job, as you can see in the pictures.

I think kids are often reluctant to go to bed at night, because they are sure that their parents are doing exciting and fun things without them. I wonder if in their wildest dreams our kids imagined that after they went to bed their parents were decorating a big castle with gum drops and gum balls. Charles and I laughed together as we spent an evening hot gluing many pieces of candy onto this castle. I understand some of the candy was pried off and eaten by a few of the many children at the party. I'm hoping that hot glue is not toxic.


Anonymous said...

Awesome castle!!! Way to go. Juliett is sooooo the pics of her bday. Tell her 'her friend' Parker says Happy Birthday too. :)

Emmy said...

Cute, Jess! Love it! Wow. . .I could never come up with that. Totally impressed! Love you!