Saturday, December 20, 2008

Juliet's 3!

Can you tell from the picture above that Juliet is 3? Well, you can tell she was excited about it anyway. December 9 Juliet had her third birthday (Yes, I know I am behind on posting). This was much anticipated birthday this year. Cole, Charles, and I have our birthdays within a month of each other in the Summer. Juliet's cousin Lyna also shares a birthday with me. This year, as each of us would celebrate another birthday, Juliet would ask, "When will it be my birthday?" We had to assure her that it would come in a few months.

Here's our happy girl posing with both of her parents.

These pictures are of a small family party we had, where her favorite part was finally opening gifts, and as you can see from the picture below, Cole's favorite part was the cake. We did manage to A) not have Cole blow out the candles and B) not have Cole directly lick the cake. These have been problems in the past, so we considered this a success.

Here is Juliet wearing a cute Sun Bonnet sue hat from her Grandma Marian. Thanks Grandma!

We also incorporated a birthday theme into Juliet's playgroup earlier in the day. Here are the children playing and eating the cupcakes that they had decorated. I had the children color their own crowns to wear. The boys did not initially get into this, but eventually did deign to admit that they wanted crowns too. One snaffu that occured is that I had baked cupcakes for the play group and cake for the evening gathering the night before. I used a from scratch recipe that my brother makes and which is one of my favorite cakes. I don't know what I did, but the cake had a bit of a bitter aftertaste to it. Luckily, the kids had piled their's with candy and frosting and did not seem to notice the problem too much (kid's generally just eat the icing off cupcakes anyway), but I ended up throwing the cake away and sending Charles to the store for a cake mix. It turned out fine and we all survived. I don't want to make another cake for awhile though.

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Cute pictures, Jess! Man, I cannot believe she is three already!! I mean, I am REALLY freaking out right now! THREE!? What!?