Saturday, December 15, 2007

Juliet's birthday!

Last Sunday, December 9, was Juliet's 2nd birthday. We decided that since she can get shy around groups right now and a little uncomfortable around people she doesn't know very well, we would keep her party nice and small. We had two sets of Grandparents over for brunch and cake, and Juliet was the center of attention and was showered with presents. She enjoyed opening her gifts, but became a little bit overwhelmed after opening gift after gift. Some of her favorites were a big dollhouse that My Dad and Paula bought her when we down in Georgia and sent back as a gift, a princess chair from her Grandpa Al and Grandma Becky, a big, impossibly soft bear from Grandpa Jim, a beautiful dress from great Grandma Marian, and a new Signing Times video from Grandma Kathryn. Knowing that she would get so many gifts from Grandparents, Charles and I did not really get her too much. We got her 3 beautiful books which were not that exciting at the time, and Charles got her a toddler activity book which he plans to use throughout the year for some Daddy/daughter time. It was a lot of fun to see Juliet's excitement.

Here is the beautiful birthday princess.

Yum....when is the cake coming out?
Juiliet works on getting that cake opened.

Here is Juliet's present pile, it was on the table when she woke up and while she wasn't allowed to open them till the party started, she was content to hold them and carry them around.

Here is the kid's table, we had it set up in the middle of the living room, so they were literally in the middle of all of us.
Here is the breakfast spread.
Here's a nice posed picture of Grandpa Al and Grandma Becky.

Here is candid picture of Grandma Kathryn and Grandpa Jim. My Mom's not going to be happy that I put that up!

I ran out of battery in camera about half-way through, so I'll post some pictures from my Mom's camera when I get them.

Happy Birthday Juliet, you are a pleasure to have around!

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl! I love you!
Everyone looks adorable, and Jess. . the table setting was so pretty. Great job!