Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Daddy-daughter project

Charles had recently made this step stool for the kids while he was hanging out with his dad. He and Juliet had the project of decorating it. Juliet helped Daddy pick out the supplies, paint the bench, put on glitter, and glue on those flowers and butterflies. They both had a lot of fun doing it!


Kathryn the Great said...

Nice bench, Charles and Juliet! I need one at my house too (hint, hint)

alval said...

The stool looks outstanding!!! I love the color and the artistry! I had no idea how good a stool like that can look. I was truly surprised when I first saw it. Becky was delighted as well.

Gpa Al

Anne Woods said...

what a great project. she looks so proud!

The Katzbox said...

Perfect! Did they sing together while they created art? Because that would only create some kind of incredible wave in the space-time continuum of spiritual gifts...rock on Valentinos!!!!