Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Juliet's Birthday

On December 9, my beautiful 3-year-old became a beautiful 4-year-old. She had a very special day with much cake and presents. We love you Juliet and we are so glad to have you as part of our family.

Four things I love about Juliet:

1. Her dramatic flair. Juliet does everything dramatically. She even runs dramatically. You'd have to see it know what I mean.
2. Her creativity. She is always creating something new, whether it is a picture of a princess or a redesign of Mommy's new shirt with some scissors.
3. Her curiosity. She loves to learn new things. Recently when Charles was taking physiology, she loved to have him explain how the body works. She understand it pretty well too.
4. Her love. Juliet is always telling the ones close to her that she loves them, and she's free with her hugs too (sometimes to Cole's chagrin).

I love you so much 4 year old.

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