Thursday, December 24, 2009

On Nativity Scenes, and Holy Nights....

Early this season we took out the nativity scene as a family, unwrapped the pieces, and arranged them around the little wooden stable. I helped my children arrange the pieces in what I've always felt was the suitable and artistic manner. Mary and Joseph in the stable with Jesus in the manger, various animals gathered around. Outside are the visitors, arranged in two groups. The shepherds with their sheep on one side, and the wise men and their camels on the other side.

Through the season little hands have consistently rearranged the pieces, nearly on a daily basis. Sometimes the pieces have all been bunched up inside the stable in a decidedly unattractive manner, sometimes they have been making a procession across the table in one big line. Other times they have been gathered in unorganized groups around the stable, ox, shepherd, and wise man shoulder to shoulder. Only one thing has remained unchanged, the babe, in the manger, in the center of the stable.

As these little dramas have played out on our living room side table I have realized something important. We all kneel at the manger together. Heavenly Father never meant for us to worship in distinct groups made up of the rich and learned and the poor and humble. He is much happier when we are jumbled together in an unsegregated group of believers, labeled only with the common name of disciple. Whether we have gold in our pockets or only wool, we bring the gift He wishes for most, our Hearts.

Merry Christmas to all those who kneel at the manger with me on this night.


alval said...

Dear Jessica,
I so appreciate your thoughts at this Christmas season.

Love & blessings,

Unknown said...

Somehow i missed this post when you made it, but im so thankful i found it tonight. there are tears in my eyes. how sweet. and how wonderful it is that our children can teach us such wonderful truths. thank you for sharing!