Friday, October 26, 2007

Family Home Evening

I forgot to mention that we did have a FHE on Wednesday. We did a lesson about how Jesus is the light of the world. We lit candles in the darkness to show how he gives us light when things are dark. That basically turned into an activity of lighting and blowing out candles, which is so fun. We sang lots of songs, Teach Me to Walk in the Light, and There is Sunshine in My Soul. Charles got out the guitar and the kids had fun dancing while he played. After we were done we went to the craft store to get some things for Halloween and on the way we saw the most spectacular sunset. The whole sky was lit with yellow, oranges, and pinks.


Kathryn the Great said...

I saw the sunset too and I agree it was one of the most spectacular ever.

Faith W said...

What a great idea! Mind if I borrow? Isn't it funny how kids love blowing out candles? If I light candles at dinner it gives them more incentive than anything else to eat their dinner so they can blow out a candle!

Ahh, the simple joys of childhood!